What is “Critical” in Critical Heritage Studies
主讲人:迈克尔·赫兹菲尔德 哈佛大学人类学系 教授
Speaker: Prof. Michael Herzfeld, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University
主持人:陆建松 复旦文博系教授、系主任
Chair: Prof. LU Jiansong, Dean of Department of Cultural Heritage & Museology, Fudan University
评议人:潘天舒 复旦社公学院 教授
赵晓梅 复旦文博系 讲师
Reviewers: Prof. PAN Tianshu, School of Social Development & Public Policy, Fudan University
Dr. ZHAO Xiaomei, Department of Cultural Heritage & Museology, Fudan University
时间:2016年10月27日 17:00—18:30
Time: 17:00-18:30, Oct. 27th 2016
地点 :复旦大学校内300号
Location: Fudan University Museum
迈克尔·赫兹菲尔德教授自1991年任教于哈佛大学人类学系至今,拥有“欧内斯特·E·蒙拉德-社会科学教授”头衔,同时担当亚洲研究中心泰国研究项目主任。赫兹菲尔德教授也是莱顿大学亚洲研究中心“遗产批判研究”客座教授与高级顾问、墨尔本大学教授研究员、上海外国语大学客座教授与长江学者(2015-2017年)。赫兹菲尔德教授著有十一本书;发表了学术论文及评论数十篇,制作民族志影片两部。他曾于1995-1998年任American Ethnologist期刊编辑;现任Anthropological Quarterly期刊首席编辑;同时兼任其他多个期刊编辑组成员。他的人类学田野工作集中于希腊、意大利与泰国,其他研究主题包括历史保护与士绅化的社会、政治影响,隐性殖民主义、社会诗学、民族主义动态性与官僚主义的话语及其实践,以及关于匠人与知识分子知识的民族志。
About the speaker:
Michael Herzfeld is Ernest E. Monrad Professor of the Social Sciences in the Department of Anthropology at Harvard University, where has taught since 1991, and where he serves as Director of the Asia Center’s Thai Studies Program. He is also IIAS Visiting Professor of Critical Heritage Studies at the University of Leiden (and Senior Advisor to the Critical Heritage Studies Initiative of the International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden); Professorial Fellow at the University of Melbourne; and Visiting Professor and Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) Scholar at Shanghai International Studies University (2015-17). The author of eleven books -- including Cultural Intimacy: Social Poetics in the Nation-State (1997; 3rd edition, 2016), The Body Impolitic: Artisans and Artifice in the Global Hierarchy of Value (2004), Evicted from Eternity: The Restructuring of Modern Rome (2009), and Siege of the Spirits: Community and Polity in Bangkok (2016) -- and numerous articles and reviews, he has also produced two ethnographic films (Monti Moments [2007] and Roman Restaurant Rhythms [2011]). He has served as editor of American Ethnologist (1995-98) and is currently editor-at-large (responsible for “Polyglot Perspectives”) at Anthropological Quarterly. He is also a member of the editorial boards of several other journals, including International Journal of Heritage Studies, Anthropology Today, and South East Asia Research. An advocate for “engaged anthropology,” he has conducted research in Greece, Italy, and Thailand on, inter alia, the social and political impact of historic conservation and gentrification, the discourses and practices of crypto-colonialism, social poetics, the dynamics of nationalism and bureaucracy, and the ethnography of knowledge among artisans and intellectuals.
About the talk:
The speaker will offer an overview of what is meant by “critical heritage studies.” Too often, the concept of heritage is taken for granted, but no one asks whose heritage is being discussed or whether the members of the relevant group agree on what really constitutes “their heritage.” Basing his comments largely on his research in southern Europe and southeast Asia, but also on some Chinese cases, the speaker will argue that it is essential that we move from a “culturalist” to a “social” understanding of heritage if (a) we are to avoid damaging the social fabric and (b) we are to create a dynamic and realistic model of the role of heritage in our future lives.
[1] Michael Herzfeld (2015) Heritage and the Right to the City: When Securing the Past Creates Insecurity in the Present. Heritage & society, 8: 1, 3–23.
[2] Michael Herzfeld (2015) Heritage and corruption: the two faces of the nation-state, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 21:6, 531-544.
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